Limoncelli, K., Mellow J. & Na C. (2019). Determinants of Inter-Country Prison Incarceration and Overcrowding in Latin America and the Caribbean. International Criminal Justice Review, 30: 10-29. DOI: 10.1177/1057567719830530
This study tests the influence of political, social, and economic factors on the prison population rate in Latin American and the Caribbean. Findings demonstrate that government effectiveness and political stability are significantly and positively associated with increased prison population rates, while government effectiveness is simultaneously negatively related to prison overcrowding.
Mellow, J. & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2017). Key Factors to Promote Successful Comprehensive Reentry Initiatives. Federal Probation, 81, 22-31.
This paper examines the common goals of comprehensive reentry initiatives and identifies 25 critical implementation indicators necessary for successful high-quality, multi-faceted, reentry initiatives.
Mellow, J., Christensen G., Warwick, K. & Willison, J.B. (2015). Transition from Jail to Community Online Learning Toolkit. Washington: National Institute of Corrections. 238 pages. Available at:
The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Online Learning Toolkit is a web-based learning resource designed to guide jurisdictions through implementation of the TJC model. The Toolkit serves as a hands-on resource for users interested in jail reentry, whether in a criminal justice or community-based organization. The nine toolkit modules incorporate examples from jurisdictions across the country, tools developed to facilitate implementation in TJC learning sites, resource suggestions, and detailed content.